Thursday, October 23, 2008

Steak and Shake

Original:Monday, January 16, 2006
Steak and Shake
In the mighty state of Florida there is a wonderful fast food establishment known as "Steak & Shake." Be advised its more like "beef scooped out of a bucket with an ice cream scoop and thrown onto a grill and shake" The shakes are phenomenal.
For my northern constituents who may not be familiar with the place, S & S , which i just nicknamed right this second, is a sitdown burger joint with a large menu consisting of burgers with cheese and bacon if you wish.
On my last visit to the Orlando area, we went to S & S to get a quick bite as all the larger eateries were posing 45 min waits. This was probably the first time I went before drinking as opposed to afterwords.
We entered the place and I went un-noticed, similar to events that remind me of my romantic life. But once they figured out that this large gentleman was there to eat, they seated me.
A larger gentleman than myself was our server, and I felt bad asking him for food, as he seemed to be busy taking bathroom breaks. I treated myself to a diet coke this day, to compliment my 3600 calorie meal. I wanted to get every free calorie I could get. It's the unfortunate life of a bodybuilder.
After we were served, our attendant retreated back to the bathroom again. I guess it was something that he ate. He dropped off the check afterwards.
Hopefully you have picked up on my sarcasm by this point. When I go somewhere I intend on spending money, and it irks me that someone that is basing their wage on food bought would not ask if we needed something else. I can't stand that when I want to spend money somewhere that someone would not be interested in asking if we needed anything else. ( we needed a to go order that he wouldnt put on our bill which would have increased our order 10 dollars )
I really don't care all that much, because the cole slaw was on its game that day, but maybe someone can tell me why someone would not want us there to purchase food.( besides lack of wanting to work)
Anyway I basically just need food hot or cold, I dont really even care if its cooked.

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