Thursday, October 23, 2008

Makes You Want to go Uggh

Original:Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Makes you want to go uggh
Hi everyone,
I've been away for a while because I have had writers block. I didn't know what to say, I didnt really care about the people around me and the comedy gold they were creating, Sometimes there are times though where you look back on doing something and get goosebumps from being such a weirdo. Today I caught myself doing such that.
There was a group of older collegues standing near me at work. About 3 of them. They were close, and they were the senior people on the shift, definetly the cool table at high school, except these people smell like moth balls and are wearing jeans from 83. I found myself doing nothing at the time so I was slouched in my swivel chair and aimed in their direction, crotch open at a 50 degree angle. They were making jokes, but me, being the dufus that I am, tried hard to make sure they knew I was listening to the jokes and laughing. I quickly thought about all of us at a waterfront bar, laughing together with me in the middle, umbrella drinks in hand. Then I search for the waiter, make a circle with my hands and then mouth silently " on me. "
So I had realized that I was being a loser, and was preparing to jump in at the right moment with my own witty retort. Instead I snapped out of my trance, because I realized I was gazing at them with a glaze in my eye and my mouth curled into a Joker like smile - the corners almost going straight up. My tongue was at the edge of my lips with moisture gathering. I realized I had looked like a moron and quickly turned around.
and here I am again.

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