Wednesday, February 18, 2009

02-18/How does your Garden grow?

I'm back on the lawn thing. Every day that goes by, is another day that I don't have a lawn. I try to water my parent's lawn, but they just tell me not to, because there is a sprinkler system. It's also winter.

Fresh Basil, Thyme, Parsley, Bay leaves, tomatoes - I sometimes don't even like tomatoes. I just want to water them. And my grass.

I've invented a new word - grenth. Grenth is the green factor in grass. If the grenth of my lawn is at a 7 or higher, we're looking pretty good. A grenth of 3 or below means some serious work, almost time for mulch. You can't go wrong with mulch, or one of those compost heaps. I think that if we get to 3 or below, I would start dumping all the house garbage directly onto the front lawn.

Even if I had a 4x4 piece of garden, I would still get a riding lawnmower. I'm sure it would resemble the Austin Power's scene, but there is nothing cooler than stopping the engine, and talking to your neighbor about sports! and how much the roofing work is costing the Conners. I think I'd wear a bandana.

As a child, my grandfather constantly watered. I would also pretend I was a construction worker and chisel out pieces of his driveway that were cracked. Then we would make Sacrete, a simple form of concrete, to fill them in. I also had a fascination with ladders, and constantly wanted to be on one, and work on the house. The amount of damage I did to Omi and Opi's house, must have been in the hundreds of dollars. And he let me do whatever I wanted.

The lawn - a grenth of 10, my neighbor Fabe, constantly peering over the fence as I sunbathe naked, all seems like a wonderful dream to me.

"Nice tomatoes!" he'd say.


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