Friday, December 12, 2008

12-12/Must See TV

I had been concerned with the recent episodes of "the Office" on NBC. I was thinking that the writing was starting to lack, but last night's Christmas episode was very entertaining.

Even though Andy's story line is at the top, his role in the episode was tertiary, at best. He stole the show with his three scenes though. His face was priceless when Jim walked in as he was jamming out on the sitar, and my other favorite part was his soliloquy on college drinking.

"I got straight B's. They used to call me Buzz."

It was followed by a clever "30 Rock" as always, with that beautiful and sexy Tina Fey. Humina Humina.. Favorite Line : Liz brings the box of Christmas Letters, Tracy says in white guy voice, "Are they Christmas Sweaters?"

Back in the days of Seinfeld and Friends, NBC really was the premiere sitcom network. Seinfeld will always live in infamy, and especially for me, now that I am older and can understand more of the jokes. It took 10 years of me laughing along until I finally understood what "the contest" is about. Now I "laugh along" with myself 3 or 4 times a day.

The episode of where Jerry can't remember her name, but it sounds like a part of the female anatomy - I had no idea. The sponge - no clue. The counterclockwise swirl - huh? In my water cooler circles (equivalent of me and Steve on 2nd Free having an egg sandwich in the cafeteria) when Seinfeld was discussed I'd have to interject with,

"How about that Lowell, for someone so dumb how does he fix those planes?"

"That Roy Biguns and his El Camino, classic."

Friends and their 90's hipster motif was just too annoying for me. I certainly sat back and waited to see if Ross and Rachel would get back together. Oh that day that Ross was outside the coffeehouse in the rain and they had their first kiss, mmmm. I ate that shit up.

But the 90's crap wore thin with me, which makes it even more difficult to watch now - the reason why I don't. Joey and his turtlenecks with black jeans now give me dusche-chills. The only classy ones on that show were Ross and Chandler, who had nice jobs, and wore suits - but Chandler would mess it up with an occasional no-collar button down shirt.

It's nice to be new and clean. I like the fashion better these days. The only classy time in our recent histories has to be from the 40's to early 60's. Wearing suits all day, and a derby, then progressing to the suit with the thin tie, was just wonderful. Then it just got weird with the pot smokers, those Mexican shawls, and then the afros.

I'm sure those bellbottoms and puffy pubic regions were sexy.


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