Thursday, July 9, 2009

07-09/Sailing the High C's, Pt. I

With much anticipation, I present to you, " Sailing the High C's."

Coco shuffled papers around his desk nervously, as he knew that time was running out.

"I've got to get these numbers upstairs before 5, or corporate is going to have my ass!!" he mumbled to himself.

On the other side of the room, Paps made his way out of the elevator, prompting everyone to stand up in their cubicle.

"Hi Paps! - Hey Paps! - Paps, bro, whats happenin? - Hiiiiiiii Pappy...." was heard from each cubicle he passed, strolling from the elevator over to the corner office where you could hear Coco slamming drawers in a rush.

Paps stopped at Susie Watermaker's station, briefly fixing his tie before stepping in.

"Susie girl, what's good?" Paps said slowly, changing the angle of his watch's face as he talked.

"Not much Paps....thanks again for the help on the Penske file, you really got me out of a bind."

"No problem, maybe I'll see you on the boat," Paps said as he cooly slid off the corner of her desk where he had sat during the brief confrontation.

"Maybe..." she said, lowering her eyes. Her mouth slowly curled into a smile as her eyes raised up again to meet his.

"Take care." Paps said with a wink, as he tapped the side of the cubicle, and headed to the corner office.

Paps strutted into Coco's office, and with a twirl shut the door.
"We gotta get going. We're meeting everyone at some pizza-booze joint."

"I don't know if I'm going to get out in time, I can't find my numbers from June. They're going to be on my ass if I don't send the report upstairs before I go," Coco said, as he kept shuffling through papers on his desk.

"Don't give me that shit, just make them up. We really have to get going."

"Not today."

Coco started to look through the papers on his desk feverishly now, knocking over a picture of him with the 2004 NYC Marathon winner, Hendrik Ramaala.

"Just get it done and meet me at the pizza-booze place."

"Whatever," Coco said quietly, as Paps left the office and headed for the elevator.

As the elevator doors closed, all you could hear was,

"Bye Pappy-Bye Paps-See you later bro...........He's so dreamy...." ding.


Paps walked back into his office, and KR asked him to shut the door.

"I guess Coco is stressed with corporate breathing down his neck," Paps said.

KR stood up uninterested, slamming down a pen. He unbottoned his Haggar shirt and walked over to the door to complete the request that Paps disregarded.

"Yeah, corporate is a bunch of sonsa-bitches," KR said plainly, as he walked to the corner, now only garbed in a Hanes white T-Shirt and Dockers.

"Well, this boat trip is supposed to be fun, he's the one that told me about it," Paps said.

KR opened up a brown box from, and took out a pair of Everlast training gloves. He put them on and adjusted them tightly. He then tapped on a framed picture, and started to jump in place.

Tapping on the picture brought him back to that June day in El Paso, when he strolled in to the WKA's Kickboxing convention. He never thought he'd get a picture of him giving the thumbs up in between a posing Ralph Macchio and William Zabka, smiling ear to ear. A rare sight.

The picture hung next to the heavy bag with pride, jumping off the hook ever so slightly when he would give the bag a hearty right.


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