Thursday, October 29, 2009

10-29/You Make Me Laugh, Canteen Boy

As I continue on my journey of hotels and feigned sense of importance, I look to my hotel points to dictate. I meet, I act smart, I do my job. I use big words like, minimum separation, efficiency, safety. Each comment I make, a flash appears of a 32 in TV sitting in a creative wooden box.

The lack of a DVR has caused me to lose fluidity to my TV watching. Watching TV live again has reminded me of the good old days, where when the house phone rang, it very well could have been for me. These days, when I am home, the house phone ringing does not even register with me. Sometimes I don't even hear it, as I am startled to understand why Father exclaims, "Who the F*#k is calling now."

The Office, this Halloween Thursday, was nothing to get excited about. So much so that I decided to iron a shirt in my hotel room. So much so, I decided to eradicate my "suite" fridge of all frozen vegetables I had bought earlier in the week. So much so, I ate Almonds on the bed flipping to the Shithead vs. Shithead baseball game.

I finished ironing, ate steamed microwaved vegetables , and sipped on wine. Wine was free, along with dinner, in the lobby, but I had opted to pretend I was taking a second glass of wine to my room for a lover. That lover ended up being Tina Fey.

As much of a lackluster episode the Office was, 30 Rock has gotten better and better since it's season premiere 3 weeks ago. I can watch Tina, and Liz Lemon and think very happy thoughts that resurrect above unhappy ones, as I remember why I think Liz/Tina is so loveable and so damn funny. Plenty of funny stuff from everyone else on the show too.

Enjoy your Friday, as I ASScela my way home.

As you wrap up your work week and groom your mustaches for an interesting Halloween, listen to this as I continue my Passion Pit bandwagon tour.


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