Friday, October 16, 2009

10-16/Fall Email Cleaning

My email has been cluttered, and I decided to clean it out. Along with stomach-aching pictures, I found a possible prologue to my book that I had started ( and still only 3 chapters in ) - yes this is also the screenplay, hopefully to be narrated by Morgan Freeman.

Have fun making fun.


Legend, myth, or religion, has us to believe that in the beginning, it was Adam and Eve. One day, the same day as luck would have it, they both discovered there was something weird underneath these leaves attached to their bodies. Get it on.

From there on, man was with woman. Woman was with man. Then someone figured out a way for man to be with man, and after some contorting, woman was with woman. Then one day a cow moo-ed, and some weirdo was with animal. Then woman was with machine, then man was with door frame. Not sure how much emotion was included, but certainly there was some amount of pain, mixed with pleasure.

No matter how you slice it, since the dawn of time, our bodies were meant to interact with others. I think the higher powers envisioned it to be with other humans, but hey, everyone gets lonely. While there are many integral parts to the body that keeps us living, it appears that the heart and mind work together night and day. Sometimes they work for you, and you pay them well, and then sometimes they fuck you over.

If you pay them well, and keep tequila away from them, they come to work on time, always have nice ironed shirts, and for the most part work through lunch. If you ever let them hit a karaoke bar together, they’ll be shitfaced by 8pm, and singing “Love stinks” until the regulars brow beat them out the door. Then they’ll hit an Irish bar and drink whiskey until the morning when they are supposed to be at work.

All of a sudden, you have a broken heart, and your mind has no idea how to fix it.

With this power to make or break you, they are the most powerful tandem since the Captain and Tenile. It’s always best to keep them happy, and sober, reporting to work on time.

The heart, an amazing part of machinery, is made of valves and chambers, that pump blood to all parts of your body. Not only can it feel pain physically, but its life is personified by the hurt of emotional pain. As the mind analyzes mental pain, it calls the heart on its lunch break and tells it all the stuff that’s going on.

These two are inseparable, and they WILL make or break you.


1 comment:

Rob said...

The struggle continues.